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地标性建筑数据集 地标性建筑数据集...Arts and Entertainment Classification
33.36M 416
量子机器9号,又名QM9 Earth and Nature,Music,Chemistry Classification
220.02M 623
CSS 2019进展 Earth and Nature,Internet Classification
0M 365
来自领导的信件 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
3.22M 321
宾州岩石力学实验室 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,Universities and Colleges,Signal Processing Classification
11322.8M 410
NBV分类 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Robotics Classification
6727.71M 446
陨石降落 Earth and Nature,Earth Science,Geology,Astronomy Classification
4.01M 758
厄尔尼诺现象的数据集 Earth and Nature,Earth Science Classification
9.6M 474
拿督四面八方 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.06M 389
重新启动 Arts and Entertainment Classification
199.09M 374
耐克公司5000推文数据集 Nike just announced its partnership with Colin Kaepernick to be the face of the 30th anniversary of its JustDoIt campaig...News,Text Data,Text Mining,Marketing Classification
20.35M 817
casia数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
3418.51M 537
dfg-city-prj文件 Art Classification
0M 484
斯隆数字巡天DR14 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Classification,Data Visualization,Multiclass Classification,Astronomy,Physics,Decision Tree Classification
1.32M 369
GDELT项目数据子集 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.02M 689
2014年海洋-空气中甲烷和二氧化碳的通量 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Data Visualization,Geospatial Analysis,Atmospheric Science,Geography,Chemistry Classification
4.59M 423
MovieLens数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
2.88M 869
样本集:能量波长关系 Earth and Nature Classification
0.01M 421
2016年3月ML狂热预测 Computer Science,Games,Basketball,Gambling,Artificial Intelligence Classification
88.28M 406
nltk-movieReviewData Earth and Nature Classification
7.43M 455