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pix2pix数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
29.78M 366
大气排放(LUISA Platform REF2014) Arts and Entertainment,Environment,Atmospheric Science,Europe Classification
0.09M 375
高度分级试验 Earth and Nature,Standardized Testing Classification
0M 429
CMS正在等待初始L和Ts Arts and Entertainment,Socrata Classification
0.23M 356
Keras DenseNet权重 Earth and Nature,Deep Learning,CNN Classification
398M 451
基于虚假评论者的Yelp数据集 基于虚假评论者的Yelp数据集...Art Classification
29K 638
CAC 40证券交易所 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Finance,Economics Classification
3.27M 374
用于状态监控的生产工厂数据 这个数据集在以前的研究项目中使用过,例如在[ IMPROVE ][1]中。内容用例的重点是预测生产线中一个重要组件的状态。该组件的条件...Business,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
26.95M 461
支持向量机的图像训练 Arts and Entertainment Classification
87.55M 756
Bolsa fam&# xED;lia是什么意思 Arts and Entertainment,Retail and Shopping Classification
37.21M 480
美国州县名称&代码 Earth and Nature,Social Science Classification
0.12M 645
开放的系外行星目录 Earth and Nature,Astronomy Classification
0.44M 351
波士顿住房 Earth and Nature,Education,Social Issues and Advocacy,Real Estate Classification
0.01M 744
初学者项目-筷子的人机工程学研究 Earth and Nature,Education,Public Safety Classification
0M 774
国际航空公司旅客 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 381
汽车保险推销电话 Business,Earth and Nature,Education,Insurance Classification
0.93M 733
空气质量 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
0.72M 410
特朗普的支持率 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 726
中间点数据(的士行程时间) Earth and Nature,Internet,Travel Classification
1.58M 442
Omniglot Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,Image Data,Languages Classification
9.19M 321