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日本地震 Earth and Nature,Earth Science,Geology,Japan Classification
2.3M 249
鲸鱼三重训练模型 Biology,Earth Science Classification
343.09M 218
驼背鲸流感关键点 Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Earth Science Classification
169.14M 543
同样预测 Arts and Entertainment,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
0.06M 235
仙境 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.14M 567
尼纳伯坑洞 2 复杂 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
16819.5M 210
尼纳伯坑洞 1 简单 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
11091M 212
乐高与通用砖 - 图像识别 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Classification,Neural Networks Classification
1579.87M 485
csv 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
1701.49M 256
马里亚纳海沟的测深(25个配置文件) Earth Science,Geology,Geography Classification
0.12M 214
马里亚纳海沟的形态学 Biology,Earth Science Classification
0M 216
AI 生成艺术的文档 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.25M 213
数据集-图像-超分辨率 Earth and Nature Classification
1087.11M 305
埃利奥特 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 533
语义分割数据集 语义分割数据集...Earth and Nature Classification
31K 309
LANL 训练声学数据 Earth and Nature,Education,Earth Science Classification
0M 210
HASYV2 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
142.56M 214
系外行星 Earth and Nature Classification
14.57M 231
标志: Bk 肯德基麦当劳星巴克地铁无 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Retail and Shopping,Universities and Colleges,Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification,Restaurants Classification
32.42M 549
适合初学者的简单数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.05M 359