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NHANES 高血压人口 2008-2016 Heart Conditions Classification
0.58M 607
LabelMe - 让我们#x27;吃吧!标记的膳食图像 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
20.27M 177
超新星分类挑战数据 Arts and Entertainment Classification
17.35M 218
视频对象跟踪 Arts and Entertainment,Software,Image Data Classification
3435.4M 173
MOT2D 2015 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1274.6M 204
美发沙龙不显示数据集 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.35M 391
非洲面料图片 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,CNN,GAN,Africa Classification
7.12M 179
神奇宝贝都打扫干净了 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.04M 192
打开图像类 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.01M 544
NLP 启动器测试 Earth and Nature,Education,Software Classification
2.17M 156
完整的竞争神奇宝贝数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Games,Video Games Classification
1.19M 206
Imdb 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Linear Regression,Random Forest Classification
0.3M 195
美国数据科学家就业市场 Business,Earth and Nature,Classification,Data Visualization,Data Cleaning,Categorical Data Classification
54.49M 378
纽约文化事务部 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Government,Dance Classification
0.76M 159
纽约警民遭遇导致投诉 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.08M 169
纽约市警察局纪律处分 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Public Safety Classification
0.07M 197
纽约城市大学 (CUNY) 数据 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Socrata Classification
5.89M 488
硅谷多元化数据 Business,Earth and Nature,News,Demographics,United States,Employment Classification
1.08M 159
10 猴子物种 Earth and Nature,Biology,Image Data,Animals Classification
553.68M 397
数独统计 Arts and Entertainment,Puzzles Classification
0.02M 176