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荷兰新闻文章 Internet,News,NLP,Text Data,Exploratory Data Analysis,Text Mining Classification
351.62M 242
在大流行期间担任总统 Earth and Nature,Education,News,NLP,Data Visualization,Psychology Classification
0.25M 235
所有NeurIPS(NIPS)文件 Computer Science,Sports,NLP,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks Classification
310.53M 217
所有英文停止字(700+;) Computer Science,Education,NLP,Feature Engineering,Python Classification
0.01M 229
Tanglish情绪分析推文,使用了4个标签来描述推特的情绪 So it all started when I was looking for Abusive Tamil tweets in the Roman Script to use for a project and instead of fi...NLP,Deep Learning,Online Communities,People Classification
0.85M 283
汉语停止词 Earth and Nature,NLP Classification
0.03M 223
GENIA生物医学事件数据集 ContextBio-medical texts have a lot of information which can be used for developments in the medical field. Traditionall...NLP,Biology,Text Mining,Medicine Classification
2.67M 550
COVID19相关常见问题,此数据包含与新冠肺炎相关的问答集19 What is this?This data contains collection of question and answers related to COVID19.Where does this come from?Thi...NLP,Health,Coronavirus,Psychology,Diseases Classification
0.1M 278
科研论文主题建模 Business,Earth and Nature,Education,NLP,Psychology Classification
21.96M 261
疾病 Health,Health Conditions,NLP,Russia Classification
4.47M 199
COVID假新闻数据集 Health,News,Coronavirus,NLP Classification
1.06M 235
NLP:报告和新闻分类 Social Science,Investing,NLP,Literature,Environment,Binary Classification,Multilabel Classification,Water Bodies Classification
0.03M 226
俄罗斯有毒评论 Internet,Social Networks,NLP,Text Data Classification
37.45M 214
测试用例数据集,软件测试中使用的样本数据集的集合 There are lots of datasets available for different machine learning tasks like NLP, Computer vision etc. However I could...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
1.3M 359
带有语言标签的文本数据。它可以用于语言检测。 Language Detection Dataset Text data with language labels. It can be used for language detection....NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification,Languages Classification
31.7M 611
Bash.im公司引用 Internet,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining,Russia Classification
38.65M 301
团队数据集(csv) Transportation,NLP Classification
72.43M 261
西亚姆鲁帕利孟加拉语字体 NLP,International Relations Classification
0.38M 242
来自AskUbuntu的意图识别聊天机器人语料库 Context190 questions and answers from ContentWhat's inside is more than just rows and columns...NLP,Artificial Intelligence Classification
0.23M 541
OZON产品类别 Business,NLP,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,Marketing Classification
181.16M 240