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梦幻篮球数据集 Football,Basketball Classification
0.34M 393
NCAA常规赛篮球比赛 Sports,Universities and Colleges,Games,Video Games,Basketball Classification
13.92M 362
恩卡篮球女子百分比获胜 Others Classification
0.13M 599
恩卡篮球 Business,Sports,Basketball,Bigquery Classification
0M 289
ACB 1994-2016 西班牙篮球联赛结果 Games,Basketball Classification
23.93M 367
足球和篮球的主场优势,来自全球88个联赛的9K+球队的主客场表现 The data set includes information about different leagues in different sports (Basketball and Soccer) all around the wor...Sports,Football,Basketball Classification
0.79M 444
NBA 篮球教练执教数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by AlbertJiangReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following fil...Others Classification
179.03M 463
FiveThirtyEight NBA Elo互动数据集 历史 NBA Elo该目录包含 NBA 互动完整历史背后的数据。数据定期更新。比赛信息来自。在数据文件 nbaal...News,Basketball Classification
4.1M 588
FiveThirtyEight NBA球赛 Winprobs数据库 NBA 获胜概率该目录包含每场比赛中每支 NBA 球队在每一分钟内获胜的机会这一故事背后的数据。nba.tsv 包含截至 2015 年 2 月 18...Business,Basketball Classification
5K 486
篮子优化数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ananya NayanReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors# C...Business Classification
0.29M 675
每日幻想篮球赛-DraftKings NBA,DraftKings NBA每日幻想篮球比赛的数据集 In Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) contests, contestants construct a virtual lineup of players that score points based on the...Basketball,Optimization Classification
808.09M 747