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7980个短轴心脏MR图像数据 我们提供了使用形状和外观的统计模型分析短轴心脏MRI的框架。框架整合了时间和结构约束,避免了此类高维模型固有的常见优化问题...Medical 2D Box
423.1M 1163
超声心动图数据集 Data Set Information:All the patients suffered heart attacks at some point in the past. Some are still alive and some ar...Life Classification
4K 1838
克里夫兰数据库,用于心脏病判断的数据集 Creators: 1. Hungarian Institute of Cardiology. Budapest: Andras Janosi, M.D.2. University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland...Medical,Life Classification
125K 802
心力衰竭临床记录数据集 Provide the names, email addresses, institutions, and other contact information of the donors and creators of the data s...Life Classification
12K 929
Statlog(心脏)数据集 N/AData Set Information:Cost Matrix_______ abse presabsence 01presence 50where the rows represent the true values a...Life Classification
3K 876
综合心脏病数据集 Earth and Nature,Health,Health Conditions,Heart Conditions,Healthcare,Diseases Classification
0.17M 488
心脏病 Heart Conditions Classification
0.04M 246
心脏病和中风预防 这是国家心血管疾病监测系统提供的数据集之一。该系统旨在整合来自多个数据源的多个指标,以全面了解美国CVD的公共卫生负担和相...Health,Health Conditions,Heart Conditions Classification
1.1M 413
心脏病 UCI Health,Biology,Classification,Heart Conditions,Binary Classification Classification
0.01M 801
心脏病 Medicine Classification
4K 539
心脏病 Heart Conditions Classification
0.02M 735
心脏病 Heart Conditions Classification
0.03M 355
心脏病UCI -泡菜格式 Heart Conditions Classification
0.03M 440
心脏病 Medicine Classification
0.03M 400