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表的数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
24.78M 466
PlantVillage数据集 # Dataset 这个数据集是由 Keerthana.K 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Earth and Nature Classification
524M 1671
不良贷款数据的情绪类 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
273.08M 402
宽吻海豚的社交网络 Biology,Earth Science Classification
0.01M 480
SNA黑客马拉松2019 -图片 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Binary Classification Classification
17350.1M 409
CIFAR-10 png在文件夹 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
129.38M 373
交响乐湖数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,Music Classification
18817.9M 465
Google-Open-Images # Dataset 这个数据集是由 Chaitanya Shah 在 CC0下发布的: 公共领域 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.2G 408
AUVSI为数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
231.06M 457
套索特征提取 Arts and Entertainment,Software Classification
4.38M 383
级嵌入 Earth and Nature,Computer Science Classification
7294.27M 413
IMDB印尼电影简介 Movies and TV Shows,Data Cleaning Classification
0.79M 387
FiveThirtyEight NBA纹身数据集 Business,Arts and Entertainment,News,Basketball Classification
0.01M 499
ML-Hikeathon-Dataset Earth and Nature Classification
1765.15M 433
草-小- 256 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Miroslav Valan 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Health Classification
337M 376
分类20个新闻组测试 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
13.56M 744
pix2pix数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
29.78M 373
大气排放(LUISA Platform REF2014) Arts and Entertainment,Environment,Atmospheric Science,Europe Classification
0.09M 391
高度分级试验 Earth and Nature,Standardized Testing Classification
0M 437
CMS正在等待初始L和Ts Arts and Entertainment,Socrata Classification
0.23M 370