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面部键点检测 - img Earth and Nature,Image Data Classification
22.92M 320
MIT-BIH心律失常数据库 来自mit bih数据库的上下文ECG数据,来自物理网络内容.csv文件中的原始信号和.txt中的原始注释。确认,Heart Conditions Classification
288M 451
高度重量单变量数据 101 系列 1.0 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 272
编号序列系统 此数据集包含数字序列。每一组序列都是不同的灵感我需要大家预测每一个序列的最后一个数字,以便更清楚地知道序列中的下一个数字...Earth and Nature Classification
3.8M 368
测试驱动数据 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,Artificial Intelligence Classification
2.46M 677
葡萄酒品种分类 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Alcohol Classification
0.01M 363
前100名棋手历史 Earth and Nature,Board Games Classification
0.55M 348
InstaCart 训练示例 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
6.06M 731
NIPS 2017年:对抗性学习发展集 Computer Science,Sports,Artificial Intelligence,Martial Arts Classification
146.24M 313
图像瓦里亚达斯 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
0.86M 287
蛋白质探针 Earth and Nature Classification
38.09M 640
大约四分之一的开放网络文本 Earth and Nature,Online Communities,Video Games Classification
9580.06M 313
汉密尔顿歌词 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.22M 691
NSE 上市 1000+公司与#x27;历史数据 Business,Finance,Investing,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence Classification
67.04M 313
伊博维斯帕:蓬图阿#xE7;#xE3;o de 1968 a 2018 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Economics,Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
0.37M 310
开放美容事实 Online Communities,Biology,Games,Social Issues and Advocacy,Chemistry,Make-Up and Cosmetics Classification
11.75M 378
纽约老鼠景观,纽约周围约102k次观测 Rats in New York City are prevalent, as in many densely populated areas. For a long time, the exact number of rats in Ne...Arts and Entertainment,News,Government,Animals Classification
52.34M 546
模型 Clothing and Accessories Classification
83.31M 259
预训练的 PyTorch 型号 Artificial Intelligence Classification
366.11M 308
忍者风 Arts and Entertainment Classification
177.92M 287