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罗马硬币图像数据集,包含60类罗马共和国硬币的数据集 Description硬币图像数据集是一个包含 60 类罗马共和国硬币的数据集。每个班级都由三张背面的硬币图像代表,这些图像是在奥地利...Image Search Classification
326.4M 1102
USD/CNH数据 2012年6月27日至2019年2月9日 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 290
巴西钱币的图像数据集 数据集包含使用 iPhone 6 相机拍摄的照片,由巴西硬币制成ContentWhat's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make...Online Communities,Image Data,Brazil Classification
1.9G 412
尼泊尔货币数据集 尼泊尔货币数据集...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
1G 327
按产品对突尼斯生产 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 287
美元 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
2.58M 246
外汇 RSI 和 BBPP 多时间数据 Forex RSI and BBPP multiperiod (m1-h4)...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
14G 251
ZAR:美元汇率,兰特/美元月汇率 2008-2017 This dataset was collected from the International Monetary Fund website. It contains monthly values for the Rand/Dollar...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
20K 328
钞票 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.04M 228
美元 PKR 历史数据 1999 2019 Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Beginner Classification
0.26M 211
推特情感加密货币 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
47.21M 301
汇率,每月汇率数据 汇率,每月汇率数据...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
3.54K 618
维基刮:钞票上的人名单 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.25M 282
克拉肯短跑/美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
19.35M 280
克拉肯XLM/USD交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
20.06M 668
克拉肯BCH/USD交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
73.58M 271
Kraken XRP/美元交易数据 Kraken XRP/美元交易数据...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
133.22M 268
货币转换 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 260
比特币2018年数据集 比特币2018年数据集...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
211.48M 357
加密货币价格集合,1000多种不同加密货币 This file contains the values of the price for more than 1000 different cryptocurrencies (including scams) recorded on d...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
197.53M 340