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肺癌数据集 Cancer Classification
0M 398
乳房X光检查 Cancer Classification
0.02M 338
癌症数据文本分类 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Kamlesh Kumar# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Cancer Classification
391K 383
癌症数据 Cancer Classification
0.11M 801
杜克大学乳腺癌数据集 杜克大学乳腺癌数据集...Cancer Classification
5.39M 963
威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集 威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集...Cancer Classification
48.6K 552
2017年数据科学中预处理的肺癌40 x100x100数据集 ContextThis is the data I preprocessed for the 2017 Data Science Bowl from Kaggle: Data,Cancer Classification
5.38G 648