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空气质量监测数据集(巴基斯坦) AQM This dataset has around 11000 samples that was collected for a week of August 2018. This dataset had the following attri...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
2.2M 438
耶纳气候 Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science,LSTM,RNN Classification
41.16M 327
奥地利 天气 Economics,Socrata,Weather and Climate Classification
0.03M 375
纽约天气 Environment,Weather and Climate Classification
3.67M 377
飓风和台风,1851-2014 年 #背景国家飓风中心(NHC)对大西洋盆地(即北大西洋、墨西哥湾和加勒比海)和北太平洋的每个热带气旋进行风暴后分析,以确定对气...Weather and Climate Classification
922K 420
东京的天气数据 Environment,Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science,Japan Classification
0.32M 487
1937-2018年多伦多气候数据,加拿大多伦多 80 年的天气数据 1937-2018年多伦多气候数据,加拿大多伦多 80 年的天气数据...Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
134K 450
纽约每小时温度数据集,温度和天气状况 Hourly weather data for New York City. Extracted from online web sources. The following data set is cleaned for the purp...Weather and Climate,United States Classification
216K 641
波士顿天气资料,包含波士顿市的天气信息 InspirationFind correlation between weather and any other variable...Weather and Climate Classification
0.03M 548
停电了15年 Energy,Weather and Climate,Electricity,Categorical Data Classification
0.26M 630
波士顿天气数据2013年1月- 2018年4月 Having just moved to Boston last fall, I wanted to know whether the severe winter weather I experienced was normal...Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
0.29M 535
慕尼黑历史天气数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Andreas KapplReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents# C...Others Classification
1.37M 553
气象视频数据集(包含雨量、温度、温度和太阳辐射) This dataset contains 3010 daily time series representing the variations of four weather variables: rain, mintemp, maxte...Common,Earth and Nature Classification
202.6M 585