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有毒嵌入物,拼图有毒评论挑战中的通用句子编码文本 There's no need for everyone to encode the same text with the Universal Sentence EmbeddingThis data set contains the...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
610.81M 785
CoNLL003 命名实体识别(NER)问题的注释数据集 This is an annotated dataset for Named Entity Recognition (NER) problemContentThis dataset is divided into train.txt, te...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Text Data,Games,Text Mining Classification
4.63M 630
用无衬线谷歌字体书写的字母图像数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jihye YeomReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the...NLP,Image Data Classification
768M 586
命名实体识别(NER)从临床提取感兴趣的实体(例如,疾病名称、药物名称 Problem StatementClinical studies often require detailed patients’ information documented in clinical narratives. Named...NLP,Health,Health Conditions,Model Comparison,Statistical Analysis,Artificial Intelligence Classification
249.01M 483
Machado de Assis的116部小说和其他文本数据 este repositório estão contidas 116 obras de ficção e outros textos de Machado de Assis nos formatos pdf e txt nas c...NLP,Business,Literature,Art,Brazil Classification
40.38M 833
Dmoztools分类数据, 包含艺术、商业、计算机、游戏、健康、科学购物、社会等 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Patanjali ChintalapatiReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt c...NLP,Text Mining,Websites Classification
279.6M 535
ATIS数据集清洁重新点燃,ATIS数据集的清理和平衡分割 ATIS DataSetThe ATIS dataset is a standard benchmark dataset widely used as an intent classification and slot filling ta...NLP,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Health Classification
1.02M 564
孟加拉手写数字(dot npz格式) 孟加拉语手写体数字(点npz格式)该文件包含NumtaDB:孟加拉语手写数字(点npz格式)。...Image Data Classification
268.7M 695
文献计量学 # Dataset 这个数据集由 Daniel S. Hain 创建 # 内容包含以下文件:...NLP Classification
9.78M 451
来自Goodreads的2018年最佳图书数据 来自Goodreads的2018年最佳图书数据...NLP,Image Data,Tabular Data,Literature Classification
81.57M 880
伯特大全字掩蔽 Internet,Software,NLP Classification
2559.42M 529
0M 495
Jester Jokes数据集 一个数据集,包含超过一百万行以及每行的评级 这个数据集包含超过一百万个笑话和用户对每个笑话的评分...NLP,Text Data Classification
44.46M 552
用于命名实体识别的标注语料库,使用BIO和POS标签注释的语料库 Annotated (BIO) Corpus for Named Entity RecognitionThis corpus is made up of texts of news sites and built specifically...Business,Arts and Entertainment,Literature,Languages Classification
2.21M 659
fastText 预训练词向量数据集 fastText Pre-trained word vectors English...Others Classification
8.49G 576
预训练的 word2vec 模型,英语维基百科数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by RabidBear# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
3.2G 509
NLP用于判断用户说脏话的词库数据 NLP用于判断用户说脏话的词库数据...Others Classification
3K 703
词袋模型的描述数据 词袋模型模型下,像是句子或是文件这样的文字可以用一个袋子装着这些词的方式表现,这种表现方式不考虑文法以及词的顺序。最近词...NLP,Business Classification
208.03M 517
Google News vectors negative Google News vectors negative...Clothing and Accessories Classification
3.64G 501
facens nlp语料库分类 用于FACENS DS 课程的第一个 NLP 活动的基础数据集 Passado como dataset para atividade 01 de NLP do curso Ciência de Dados da FACENS.Mantido integralmente no Kaggle, mesm...NLP,Health,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.89M 673