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阁楼的废料 Social Networks,NLP,Text Data,Linguistics,Text Mining Classification
0M 241
笔记本电脑出售OLX巴基斯坦 Earth and Nature,NLP,Real Estate,Text Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
39.42M 605
蔬菜(依赖嵌入) Computer Science,NLP Classification
8983.78M 235
2017.27M 269
9245.69M 240
3454.67M 236
10484.2M 251
图里安嵌入 Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
1246.83M 223
蔬菜(谷歌Word2Vec自由基) Food,NLP Classification
4872.67M 250
蔬菜 (谷歌 Word2vec 自由库,. tsv 文件) Vegetables (Google Word2Vec Freebase, .tsv file)...NLP,Computer Science,Food Classification
20G 755
性别猜测的推文文件 Online Communities,Social Science,Social Networks,NLP,Binary Classification,Gender Classification
5.74M 578
DARPA TIMIT 声学语音连续语音 #DARPA TIMIT声学语音连续语音语料库-**特别感谢**:****-**下载...NLP,Audio Data Classification
1198.1M 303
蔬菜(塞纳嵌入) Unsplash上[NeONBRAND][1]的鸣谢横幅和徽标照片...NLP,Earth and Nature,Computer Science Classification
129M 225
第三眼数据:电视新闻档案 Arts and Entertainment,Health,News,NLP Classification
214.53M 224
不好的评论分类数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ashish Gupta# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Clothing and Accessories,Exercise Classification
86.11M 396
弗里德里希·尼采的书 NLP,Literature,Linguistics,Philosophy Classification
1.7M 257
Hearthstone Hearthstone卡名称和描述的翻译数据 Translation of Hearthstone card names and descriptions.Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, K...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
54.7M 613
斯坦福大学的GloVe预训练的单词向量 GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words. Training is performed on agg...Computer Science,Sports,Retail and Shopping Classification
989.9M 501
中等文章标题 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,NLP Classification
0.01M 261
中国字符 20950,utf-8中的所有汉字及其发音数据集 中国字符 20950,utf-8中的所有汉字及其发音数据集...NLP,Comics and Animation Classification
1.2M 445