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0M 631
Warblr众包语音数据集 Music Analysis Audio
4.3G 651
音频档案研究数据集 Music Analysis Audio
0M 619
AISHELL-家居环境近远讲同步语音数据库 AISHELL-2019A-EVAL 随机抽取 50 个发音人。每人从位置 A(高保真 44.1kHz,16bit)与位置 F(Android 系统手机 16kHz,16bit)中,...Music Analysis Audio
15G 643
4G 499
0M 1107
14.5G 830
LibriSpeech ASR 语料库,大规模英语语料库 LibriSpeech 是一个大约 1000 小时的 16kHz 英语朗读语音语料库,由 Vassil Panayotov 在 Daniel Povey 的协助下编写。数据来自...Music Analysis Audio
148.59G 844
FMA大型音乐分析数据集 Music Analysis Audio
1000G 747
大型说话人识别数据集(VoxCeleb1) VoxCeleb1 包含从上传到 YouTube 的视频中提取的 1,251 位名人的超过 100,000 条话语。...Music Analysis Audio
136M 809
人类语音的大规模视听数据集 (VoxCeleb2) VoxCeleb2 包含从上传到 YouTube 的视频中提取的 6,112 位名人的超过 100 万条话语。 VoxCeleb2 的开发集与 VoxCeleb1 或 SITW...Music Analysis Audio
1.47G 1829
T-Wave Alternans Challenge Database AbstractThis database has been assembled for the PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008. It contains 100 multi...Music Analysis,Medical Audio
105M 481
VOice ICar fEDerico II Database The healthy voices or the presence of each vocal fold's disorders were clinically verified by the medical experts involv...Person,Medical Audio
110.1M 745
MUSAN 一个音乐、语音和噪音记录的语料库 MUSAN is a corpus of music, speech, and noise recordings.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grad...Music Analysis Audio,Classification
18.38G 915
ISOLET数据集 150名受试者两次说出字母表中每个字母的名称 Data Set Information:This data set was generated as follows. 150 subjects spoke the name of each letter of the alphabet...Computer Classification
9.61M 1097
帕金森病康复言语治疗语音康复数据集 The dataset was created by Athanasios Tsanas (tsanasthanasis '@' of the University of Oxford.Data Set...Life Classification
593K 640
办公室噪声语料数据集 Data Set Information:AIMS AND PURPOSESThis corpus is intended to do cleaning (or binarization) and enhancement of noisy...Computer Classification
425.95M 693
多种录音数据集的帕金森语音数据集 Data Set Information:The data set consists of paper reviews sent to an international conference mostly in Spanish (some...Health Classification
143K 654
具有复制声学特征数据集的Parkinson数据集 Data Set Information:Important remarks before using this dataset: 1. Each row can not be used independently, because is...Life Classification
121K 699
具有多种录音数据集的帕金森语音数据集 Data Set Information:PD数据库由培训和测试文件组成。培训数据属于20名PWP(6名女性,14名男性)和20名健康人(10名女性,10名...Medical Classification
92.1K 1024